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Year 1

Welcome to Year One!

Children begin the National Curriculum In Year One.  At Priory Rise School, we offer a rich and varied curriculum that allows all children to gain key skills and knowledge through learning in a subject specific manner - whilst exploring a range of topics.  Each half-term teaching and learning, where applicable, is linked through a thematic approach.  An example of this, is our topic of ‘Past and Present’ in Autumn 1, where links are made through:

  • English by learning all about our Year One authors.
  • Science by comparing how we have changed from a baby to now and exploring our senses.
  • Comparing classrooms and toys from the past in History.
  • Through DT by learning about the function of windmills in the past and how they are used now. Children will make their own windmills.
  • With an enrichment opportunity to take part in a Toy Making Workshop, where the children get to explore many toys from the past.






Little Wandle Phonics is taught daily in Year One.  Children build upon their Phase 2, 3, & 4 knowledge from the Foundation Stage moving onto Phase 5 sounds with focus on developing greater fluency and automaticity in the application of phonics to reading and writing.  If you would like to support your child with phonics and reading please go to the Little Wandle Website:

We have a focus on tricky words in Year 1 and aim for children to be able to read and write phase 2-4 tricky words by the end of year 1.  Each week your child will be sent home with a phonics take home card which details what sounds, words and tricky words we have focussed on.  Please find a copy of these below.









 All Year 1 children will take the statutory Phonics Screening Check in June, please click here for more information.

English is taught 4 times a week giving children ample opportunity to practice writing in a range of genres by exploring a range of high quality texts. Alongside this, Guided Reading is taught daily to develop fluency and comprehension.  VIPERS are used to support children in understanding different aspects of reading.  Click the link below for details on how to support your child with reading by asking VIPERS style questions.




For recommended reads in Year 1, please click  here.


Mathematics is taught 5 times a week.  Mathematics themes in Year One include:

  • Place value
  • Addition and subtraction
  • Shape
  • Length and height
  • Mass and volume
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions
  • Position and direction
  • Money and time. 

In Year 1 we introduce new concepts as well as revisiting and building on the skills and knowledge that children have already.  Below is the current approach to teaching mathematics at Priory Rise and the written methods we teach. 



Please click on the link below to view the enrichment opportunities on offer for the children this year.

PE Days

PE and Games in Year 1 will take place with Mr Smyth and Mr Elkington on the following days:

McKee Class – Monday and Wednesday

Percival Class – Monday and Wednesday

Jeffers Class – Tuesday and Wednesday

Please ensure your child comes to school in their full Priory Rise PE kit on these days and ensure all clothing is clearly named.

Library Days

Please send your child’s library book back to school so they can choose another from the range of wonderful stories available in our school Library. 

Percival - Monday
Jeffers – Tuesday
McKee – Wednesday

Supporting Your Child At Home

In Year One, we work in partnership with you to provide the best opportunities and support for your children.  Children should continue to have regular, support with their reading at home.  Ideally, it is best that your child reads daily for up to 20 minutes, you can use our VIPERS linked above to support this as well.  As well as reading their school books, your child would also benefit from reading a range of other age appropriate stories/informational texts.

From Autumn 2 your child will also be set Purple Mash homework to support their learning in Maths. On occasions we may use MyMaths too. Log in details will be sent home with your child.





If you have any queries or questions, please contact the Year One teaching team at: