Year 6
Welcome to Year Six!
Year 6 has 3 classes:
- Elphinstone Class (taught by Mr Revers);
- Rundell Class (taught by Miss Bastiani);
- Paver Class (taught by Mrs Pry and Mrs Dean).
The 3 classes are also supported by other additional adults at different times:
- Ms Seagar (Director of Primary – supporting for GPS);
- Mrs Dobson (Deputy Head – supporting for Maths and Guided Reading);
- Mrs Snell (SENCO & Senior Leader – supporting for Maths);
- Mrs Bromage & Mrs Osborn (Teaching Assistants);
- Mrs Horwood (Specialist Music Teacher);
- Mr Smyth & Mr Elkington (Specialist PE Teachers).
In Year Six at Priory Rise School, we are extremely proud of our vibrant and engaging curriculum. Wherever possible, we ensure learning is promoted through a thematic approach. For example, when we study the Ancient Maya civilisation we make links to:
• English by writing about Mexico and its culture;
• Geography by learning about Central America;
• Art by creating our own Dia de los Muertos masks.
To see what your child will be learning this half term, click here to see our most recent overviews and newsletters:
In Year 6, we believe that reading is the key to a child’s education. Reading is taught through small group Guided Reading lessons. In addition, we have weekly whole-class comprehension lessons as well as Book Talk sessions. Stories and books are shared daily, and children are able to select books to read for pleasure from classroom book corners and the school library. We encourage our children to consider ‘VIPERS’ when answering questions on a text – some examples of these can be found below for you to use when reading with your child. It is an expectation that children in Year 6 are reading age-appropriate texts at least 3 times a week, recording this in their home-school link book for their teacher to see. Some examples of some recommended reads for Year 6 can be found below, as well as in our termly newsletters. It is also advised that children are accessing a range of genres including: newspaper reports, poetry, letters & other non-fiction texts.
Resources to support your child in English – Reading:
Recommended reads:
Question stems and other advice:
Writing is taught daily by sharing quality texts as a model, shared and guided writing to model the thought processes of a writer and then time to put these skills into practice. Children experience a range of stimuli that inspire them to write including stories, drama, music, film, TV programmes, poetry and news items. In Year 6, children are expected to understand the features of different text types and implement these into their writing whilst considering their audience and purpose. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are taught explicitly in isolated lessons and skills are revisited and embedded in writing lessons.
In Year 6, children’s writing is assessed using this assessment sheet:
Resources to support your child in English – Writing:
Grammar and punctuation:
Mathematics is taught every day. Mathematics themes in Year 6 include: place value, four operations, measures, coordinates, algebra and ratio, fractions, decimals and percentages, statistics. Year 6 often revisit areas of learning from previous year groups to consolidate understanding. Each day, additional time is spent in Year 6 ensuring children have fluency of mathematics by keeping key skills buoyant and fluent. Below we have included the current written methods and how we approach the four operations.
Resources to support your child in Mathematics:
Throughout the year lots of enrichment opportunities are offered within the curriculum as we believe they enhance our curriculum and offer our children additional cultural capital opportunities.
The Year Six children spend a week on residential in Derbyshire in the summer term where they explore caverns, reach the great Heights of Abraham, take in the sights at Chatsworth House as well as spending valuable time together.
Wherever possible, visitors are invited to talk to the children about their life experiences. This may be to share cultural or religious beliefs, to provide children with an insight into different careers or to shed more light on a particular area of the curriculum. Please do let us know if you feel that you would be able to contribute to any area of our curriculum by coming in to school.
Please click on the link below to view the enrichment opportunities on offer for the children this year.
Other useful information
PE Days
This is when our P.E. lessons are, please make sure you have your kit and are dressed appropriately for the weather, if you are having an outdoor P.E. lesson!
Paver – Tuesday and Thursday
Elphinstone – Tuesday andThursday
Rundell – Tuesday (Double lesson)
Children in each Year 6 class will be able to visit the library each week. Please encourage your child to remember their library book on the relevant day to ensure that these can be changed regularly.
These are the days we visit the library:
Paver: Thursday
Elphinstone: Friday
Rundell: Tuesday
Homework is usually set on a Monday and is due the following Monday. This will be set via Google Classroom, MyMaths or Purple Mash. If the homework is set in a different format, this will be shared with the children in class.
Children are also expected to read daily and record this in their red Home/School Link books each week. These will be collected in each Wednesday.
The children should also be practising their spellings and times tables on a regular basis.
SATs Presentation - Parent Information
Please click on the link below to view the SATS information presentation that was held for parents on Tuesday 14th January 2025.
If you have any queries or questions, please contact the Year Six teaching team at:
The Year 6 team will respond to emails as soon as they are able to within their working times and days.